Israel's Prophetic Encounter at Sinai

For the festival of Shavuot, here is an extract from the work of Professor Diana Lobel on the Revelation at Sinai in the commentaries of Rabbenu Abraham ben Ha Rambam (1186–1237) and Rabbenu Abraham He-Hasid (Abraham ibn Abi’l-Rabi’... d.circa 1223).
She writes:

“Abraham [Maimonides] holds that the people remained in the state of prophetic attainment throughout the hearing of the Ten Words, and then returned to their physical state, while Moses remained in the state of prophecy to receive the remainder of the Torah.

Abraham Maimonides thus integrates aspects of the approaches of both his father and Abraham he-Ḥasid to the event at Mount Sinai. Like Abraham he-Ḥasid, he insists that the people achieved the prophetic state at Mount Sinai. The potential of this state was transmitted through the generations; the Egyptian Pietists apparently believed that they themselves were now capable of experiencing such prophecy. Thus in his commentary to Exodus 20:17, “[fear not; for God has come to prove/test you], and that his fear may be upon your faces,” Abraham [Maimonides] comments: “To habituate you to the ways and form of prophecy, so that the perfect ones among your descendants may attain thereby what you have attained.”

Professor Lobel then states that:

"A similar point is elaborated at length by Abraham he-Ḥasid in a fragment of a chapter on the “Fear of God” discovered in the Cairo Genizah and published by Paul Fenton. In that fragment, Abraham he-Ḥasid writes:
'Recall the “preparation and sanctification” (hakhanah veqedushah), which I have indicated to you, which is the path that leads to Him, and the details of which I have informed you, as well as the purifications which I have imparted on you, so that you may be elevated to this spiritual state (maqām). Bequeath and teach them to your descendants so that they will be transmitted in your midst without interruption and thus your forebears will hand down the way of [this] path (tarīq al-sulūk) to your descendants.' ”


(from Diana Lobel’s Moses and Abraham Maimonides: Encountering the Divine p74)