Netzavim: All of Us Together

In this  week’s Parshat Netzavim we read the  words:

 “This day, 

ALL of you stand here 

before G-d your Lord.”

 Deuteronomy 29:9

In our Tariqa's Foundation Documents we read:

 “Our tariqa is predominantly Orthodox in character,and is inclusive of (for example) Litvish, Ḥasidic, Haredi, Sefardi, Ashkenazi, Mizraḥi, Modern Orthodox, Rationalist, and Kabbalistic streams.  It  welcomes members from  all streams of Judaism who respect traditional  Halakha, though each individual member's chosen level of observance is to be respected.”

In our Safed Group’s description we read:

 “We  hope to bring together local contemplatives (and would-be contemplatives) from all streams  of Judaism and of  Israeli society: streams whose members can so often be shockingly antagonistic,dismissive,or intolerant  of  one another.

In these times of denominational,sectarian, racial, and political turmoil in Israel (and  globally) it is  hoped that by keeping shared contemplative silence, all religious, sectarian, racial,or political differences may be shelved (however briefly) by the commonly shared  desire  to be personally attentive  to the ‘Voice of  G-d’ within all of us.... 

Attendance at our meetings  is  open to people of all religions and none."


   In the  midst of many acts  of cloaked or open hatred amongst the fanatics and extremists of our world (some  of whom are Jewish)—these times of war, political polarisation, and sectarianism are an opportunity for  contemplatives and other spiritually motivated activists to plant  the  seeds for coexistence and tolerance to flourish...regardless of our differences.  

Because in the  end—we ALL  stand together  before G-d.

Because in the  end—the King whose reign we proclaim on Rosh Hashana is King of all Humanity and  All Worlds.

Even the  ones we cannot see or understand.



Nachman Davies

Sept 26 2024



Shabbat Shalom