Walking the Path: The Suluk al Khass

Hegyon Ha Lev for Shabbat of Parsha Balak

As aspiring Sufis, we walk a Path.
(The term "Tariqa" is an arabic word for a "Path" or a "Road".)
As practicing Jews we observe the Halacha
(a term related to walking on a path).
As Jewish-Sufi pietists we walk the Suluk al Khass
(a special Path)


In his Kifaya [written in Judeo-Arabic],  Rabbenu Abraham Maimuni writes:

"The Torah’s Spiritual Path—which extends far beyond the basic observance of the Law [al-Sharīʿah]— is composed of two paths: the Common (general) Path [sulūk Am] and the Special Path [sulūk al-Khass].


We walk the Common Path when we observe the explicit mitzvot of the Law,performing what is commanded and avoiding that which is forbidden....


The Special Path is that followed by one who—like the prophets and saints— is aware of the essential and implicit purpose of the mitzvot and the hidden meanings which they contain.


The one who follows the Special Path is called “holy”[kadosh], “benevolent” [hasid] ,and “humble” [anav]...but the best name for such a one is “hasid” because the term is derived from hesed (benevolence) for, due to his own benevolent desire, he goes beyond what is demanded by the Law."
 S. Rosenblatt, ed., The High Ways to Perfection of Abraham Maimonides vol. 1,p.134

"We say it is a “special”way because it is not something which every one who observes the Law can fully attain and we say it is “implicit”  because it is not explicitly obligatory..."
Rosenblatt vol. 1 p.138


Hegyon HaLev

In the Kifaya passage describing his suluk al khass, Rabbenu Abraham singles out the  importance of Compassion and Humility using  the  terms  hesed and  anav.

We also read of the  importance of  both those attributes in the  haftarah reading (Micah 6)   for this Shabbat of Parsha Balak,where,coincidentally, they are  also directly related  to walking on a  Path.

And  what is that path?

It is the  very same  path of intimacy with G-d that is  the goal of the salik....the  seeker on the Jewish Sufi Path.

For Micah writes:

Act with Justice

Love Mercy



Shabbat Shalom!!

Nachman Davies


July 18 2024