Maqamat: Stations On Our Spiritual Journey


Water and Cakes of Divine Sustenance
(Eliyahu HaNabi on the Path to the  Cave)

This weeks Torah reading (Parshat Massei)  records the stages on the  Journey of our Nation from Egypt  to the  Promised Land.  The Sufis wrote entire manuals based on the  concept  of the  adept’s passing through various stages (Maqamat) and States (Ahwal)  on the  path to nearness/union with G-d.  

From the  time of Ibn Paquda’s “Duties of the  Heart” onwards , our Jewish Sufi Masters copied (then adapted and  developed)  the highly detailed Maqamat literature  which they had studied in the  Sufic manuals.

The Islamic-Sufi Maqamat concept may well have been borrowed from Jewish ascetic traditions that had found  their way into the  Talmud. (see Mishna Sota 9)

You can read my brief exposition of this on  our website.

 Click on this link to read it:


 (A pdf of this document is availble on request. The  formatting of the  text is  better in the  pdf!)


Brief Hegyon HaLev

*  Our spiritual journey can never end  as our Divine  goal is Ein Sof  (“without End”).

*  Our state (hal)  and our station (maqam) on the  Path are the  secret of G-d.

*  No human can ever be  truly sure  that they have arrived or passed above  any one of the  stations.  Only G-d knows.

*  But both Islamic Sufis  and  Jewish Sufis share one certain opinion about reaching the  goal: One has not “arrived”  until one has reached perfect equanimity/hishtavut

*   Our task is simply to do our best and  leave judgements and  accounting to the  Divine  Judge.

Take another look with me, for a moment, at that painting at the  head of this post.

Each Shabbat we reach a Station on a kind of ascending path on a  spiritual spiral.  Each Shabbat we have  an intensified opportunity to open our hearts to receive his Peace and  his Rest.   The  six working days  are  a time  when we draw sustenance from the spiritual  food we  receive on Shabbat....and  they are also  the  time  when  we look forward to the  next "Shabbat rest-stop"   on the  journey.  

Like Eliyahu HaNabi at his "station" on the way to the Cave of Encounter (Melachim I9:6):

May we be nourished by the “cakes” and “water” (of blessing and strength; of intuition and inspiration) that G-d might  send  to sustain us on our spiritual and ascetic journey......

and May we learn how to  prepare our souls  to   receive  them. 

Shabbat Shalom

Nachman Davies


August 2 2024